Thursday, December 24, 2015

Neck Pain Relief Exercises: Stretch Your Body to Relieve It!

I am sure that you must have ever experienced stiffness in your neck. Such thing can happen to just anyone if your hips, spine, and shoulders are misaligned along with your head struck in forward position. Due to the lack of movement, the muscles existing in the neck and upper back become tense and end up causing the pain. When it happens to you, there is a need to do neck pain relief exercises below.
Neck Pain Relief Exercises


To do this stretching, you will begin by lying flat on the floor with straight body. Then, bend your knees so that your lower legs are straight and your feet touch the floor. Press your clasped palm below the pelvis and your feet to the ground as you lift your hips up. Try to bring the shoulder blades closer by rocking your weight from side to side. Stay for 30 seconds and lift your hips up again.

Seated Heart Opener

This neck pain relief stretching can be done by sitting on heels first. Then, you need to place palm of your hands behind you with the fingers facing the opposite side. As you press your hands to the ground, you need to arch your back while the hips are pushed to the heels. Lower your head too so that the throat and chest are stretched as well. Stay in this position for 30 seconds before ending it.

Back Neck Stretch

This stretching is pretty simpler compared to the ones above. All you need to do is standing straight. Make sure the hips apart. Hold your left wrist with your right hand behind the backside. Pull your left arm away slightly to straighten it. Bend your head toward left shoulder and stay in the position for 30 seconds. After that, do the same to the opposite side in the same amount of time as well. To cure your neck this time at home, please read the article: How to Treat Neck Pain at Home

Most Effective Information for Neck Pain Relief

Neck pain is very painful. You will feel painful so much if you move your neck. So, your activities cannot be done well. You have to treat it as soon as possible. Neck pain usually relates to back pain. So, the remedy you take should be appropriate for your neck pain. There are many neck pain remedies that you can try. If you want to know about it, you can follow this website.