Friday, January 1, 2016

Lower Neck Pain Relief: the Simple Exercises that Are Crucial for It

As you know, upper area is not the only one you will feel neck pain on. Even the lower one is there as well. The cause is pretty much the same. Sometimes, it is because you have jobs that require you to sit in front of computer on the desk. Sometimes, it can also because you sleep in wrong position. However, lower neck pain relief can be done by doing different exercises than the upper one.

lower neck pain relief

  • Deep Breathing Exercise

Deep breathing exercise can help you to relieve the tension in your neck. In order to do that, you need to sit upright at the edge of a chair. Make sure your feet touch the floor and the knees are lower than the hips. Then, place your hands on your belly and close your eyes. After that, take a deep breath and exhale it slowly while relaxing your neck muscles. Feel them all to let your muscles relaxed even more.

  • Arms-Overhead Exercise

After you do deep breathing exercise, you can do this exercise. First, hold strap or belt with the palms face away from each other. Bring your arms up over the head and make sure they are shoulder-distance apart. Your arms must be straight in this position. Then, pull the strap apart and lower your chin to your chest. Hold this position for six deep breathes. After that, repeat it two times to relax the neck muscles.

There you go. Although those exercises seem so easy, it does not mean that they do not contribute something good for relieving lower neck pain. Even simple exercises can be effective if they are done in proper technique and in regular basis. You will surely feel the difference. Whenever you get neck pain, it means that the muscles are tired and tense after all. So, you will need the kinds of exercise that can help you to solve them.

Most Effective Information for Neck Pain Relief

Neck pain is very painful. You will feel painful so much if you move your neck. So, your activities cannot be done well. You have to treat it as soon as possible. Neck pain usually relates to back pain. So, the remedy you take should be appropriate for your neck pain. There are many neck pain remedies that you can try. If you want to know about it, you can follow this website.