Sunday, June 26, 2016

Deep Breathing Exercise Benefits for Neck Pain

Deep breathing is one of the most interesting exercises. Some people say that it belongs to yoga. Deep breathing has many benefits. It relates to your health. Even more, deep breathing will also be useful for some pains such as neck pain. There are many people who have proven that deep breathing exercise is very beneficial for you those who have neck pain. So, if you have neck pain, you can consider applying this treatment.

Deep Breathing Exercise Benefits for Neck Pain

Why Should You Do Deep Breathing Exercise?

There are many reasons why deep breathing is very good for your neck pain. It has many benefits that can be explained below:

It Relieves Pain

One study says that one of the benefits of deep breathing is to relieve pain. Of course, it also happens to neck pain. If you have neck pain, you can try to breathe deeply and your neck pain will be reduced. Even though it cannot relieve your neck pain totally at the time, it is very useful even if your neck pain is very painful.

It Improves Blood Circulation

Besides that, deep breathing can also increase your blood circulation. As we know that if your blood circulation is improved, pain can be relieved including neck pain. So, you need to try to breathe deeply regularly especially if you have neck pain.

It strengthens & Tones Muscles

By breathing deeply, you stretch your muscles including your neck muscles. If do it for a few minutes, it also functions to strengthen as well as tone your muscles. This is also useful to relieve your neck pain effectively. Of course, it can also prevent neck pain.

It Improves Posture

One of the greatest benefits of deep breathing is that it can improve posture. By breathing deeply, your posture will be better. So, it can relieve many pains related to bones and muscles including neck pain. You can improve your neck posture by breathing deeply. Therefore, your neck pain can be relieved with this technique.

It Controls Weight

Neck pain often happens to people who are overweight. If you are overweight and you cannot control your weight, neck pain may come easily. Fortunately, you can control your weight by breathing deeply. This exercise will be effective to reduce your neck pain because it controls your weight.

When Should You Do Deep Breathing Exercise?

Deep breathing can be done anytime. If you have neck pain, you can start breathing deeply and slowly for a few times or minutes. You have to make sure that you breathe rightly so that it is effective to reduce your neck pain. You can also do it when you do exercises for neck pain. So, they will be a great combination. Anyway, there is no rule when to do this neck pain treatment technique.

How to Do Deep Breathing Exercise

We take breathes every day so that you should not be unfamiliar to breathing. However, deep breathing is different from the usual breathing and it should be done rightly.

Decide Your Position

The first step is to decide the position. Some people do it by standing. However, some other people prefer doing it by sitting. Even more, you can also do deep breathing exercise by lying on the floor. You can choose your position depending on your desire. Anyway, all of the positions above are effective for neck pain.

Take Deep Breathe Slowly

Deep breathe means that you need to take breathe deeply and slowly. You cannot take breath quickly because it will not be beneficial for your neck pain. You have to take as well as loose breath slowly. So, you may need a few minutes to do this exercise for some repetitions.

Hold Your Breath for a While

To make your deep breathing exercise perfectly work, you need to hold your breath for a while before you lose your breath. Do this for every breath and it will reduce your neck pain. If you do it rightly, this is very effective to stop neck pain. So, you have to follow this.

Consider Percussive Breathing

You can also consider percussive breathing to treat your neck pain. Percussive breathing has many types such as single breath, double breath, and triple breath. You need to know and try those variations of deep breathing for neck pain relief.

Tips of Deep Breathing for Neck Pain

When you breathe deeply to treat your neck pain, you have to make sure that you take and lose your breath fully. It makes your deep breathing effective to reduce neck pain. Besides that, you should also keep your posture. Even though you lose your muscle during breathing deep, your posture especially upper body including your neck should be on the right position. So, it can help you to lower your neck pain effectively.

Caution of Deep Breathing for Neck Pain

Anyone who has neck pain may try deep breathing for to treat his or her neck pain. However, people who have asthma are not allowed to do this. It can cause your asthma worse. So, you have to make sure that you do not have asthma or other problems related to respiration.

That is all the review about deep breathing exercise that is very useful for neck pain. Hopefully this will be a good reference for anyone who has neck pain. It can also be good for you to prevent neck pain if you do it regularly.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Benefits and Types of Aerobics Exercise for Neck Pain

Neck pain is very painful. It will annoy your activities and you will not be comfortably to do anything including sleeping. So, you have to treat it as soon as possible. Neck pain can be treated with various ways. However, it will be better if you treat it by doing aerobics. There are many aerobic exercises that you can do to treat your neck pain effectively. However, you have to find the safest and best aerobics for you. If you are interested in it, you need to pay attention to this article.

Neck Pain Aerobics Exercise

The Benefits of Aerobic Exercises for Neck Pain

Why should you consider aerobic exercises to treat your neck pain? It is because there are many benefits that you will get from this treatment. The benefits are discussed below:

1. Aerobic Is Safe for Neck Pain Treatment

Even though there are many ideas of neck pain treatment, you need to consider this idea because it belongs to the safest neck pain treatment ideas. Different from other neck pain treatments that may cause side effects aerobic does not cause any side effect. That is why it is considered as a safe treatment for you who have neck pain. Therefore, you should consider this safe neck pain treatment.

2. Aerobic Is Very Effective

Besides that, you also need to prioritize aerobic exercises to treat your neck pain because it is very effective. Compared to other treatment methods, aerobic can be more effective because you exercise your neck so that the muscles on your neck will be stretched and the pain will be reduced gradually. This effectiveness makes many people interested in this neck pain treatment method.

3. Aerobic Improves Your Whole Fitness

If you have neck pain, doing aerobic exercises will be very useful to treat it effectively. However, aerobic will not only able to treat your neck pain but it can also improve your fitness wholly. It depends on the aerobic exercises you do. So, the benefits of aerobic exercises are wider and more complete compared to other neck pain treatment methods. So, you can feel the larger benefits from aerobic exercises.

4. Aerobic Can Prevent Neck Pain

Aerobic exercises are very good for neck pain. There are many people who prefer this treatment to other methods because of some reasons. However, it does not only function to treat your neck pain. Aerobic exercises can also be great to prevent neck pain. So, if you do not want to have neck pain, you need to do aerobic exercises regularly and you will feel fit every day.

Types of Aerobic Exercises for Neck Pain

After you know the benefits of aerobic exercises for neck pain treatment and prevention, you need to find the best aerobic exercises for you. In relation to neck pain, the aerobic exercises should be low impact. Here are some aerobic exercises recommended for you.

1. Warming Up

Before you do aerobic exercises, you have to make sure that you warm up first. Warming up is very important for you to do exercises including aerobic even though with low impact. You can do warming up freely depending on your desire. It functions to stretch and smooth your muscles and prevent injury during the aerobic exercises. Considering the importance, you need to do it rightly.

2. Walking

The easiest aerobic recommended for neck pain is walking. Walking can be done anywhere and anytime. For example, you can walk around your house for about 15 minutes regularly every morning. There is no rule related to the distance and speed. However, it is very effective to treat and prevent neck pain.

3. Cycling

Besides that, cycling is also recommended for neck pain. It belongs to the most enjoyable aerobics with low impact. You can go cycling outdoor or at a gym using a stationary bicycle. You can choose it depending on your desire. You just need to enjoy cycling and feel the benefits especially for your neck pain.

4. Swimming

If you like swimming, you can also do your hobby to treat your neck pain. Swimming is not only good for loss weight but also treat neck pain. Of course, you have to find the safest swimming style so that it will not cause your neck pain worse. Swimming should be done sufficiently. Anyway, this aerobic is very effective not only for neck pain treatment but also neck pain prevention.

5. Elliptical Trainer

If you go to a gym, you can use elliptical trainer to treat your neck pain. Elliptical trainer is very effective and easy to do. It belongs to low impact aerobic exercises so that it is safe to do including for you who have neck pain. If you have home gym, it will be better because you can do it more effectively.

6. Water Therapy

You can also consider water therapy. It belongs to the best aerobic with low impact because it offers many benefits. Water therapy is not only able to treat neck pain but it is also good to minimize stress. It can soften your muscles including on your neck so that your neck pain will be reduced gradually.

7. Cooling Down

Starts by warming up, you also need to end up your aerobic exercises by cooling down. It functions to stretch your muscles. It is also very useful to make the recovery after aerobic exercises faster. So, your neck pain will also get well faster.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Reviews of Low Level Laser Therapy Clinic for Neck Pain

Neck pain is common pain that happens to bones. It can be caused by different factors such as bad position of sleeping, accident or other factors. Anyway, you have to treat it as soon as possible before it gets worse. The treatment depends on the condition of your neck. Today, there is a modern method of neck treatment called low level laser therapy. If you are interested in this modern treatment, you need to pay attention to this article.

The Benefits of Low Level Laser Therapy

1. It Is a Safe Neck Pain Treatment

One of the benefits of low level laser therapy is related to the safety. To treat your neck pain, it is very safe if it is done by your doctor. So, you do not need to worry to take this modern neck pain treatment.

2. It is Effective for Serious Neck Pain

Low level laser therapy is usually for those who have a serious neck pain. This method of neck pain treatment is very effective to heal your neck pain fast. Even though the cost is higher, the effectiveness makes the cost reasonable.

3. It Improves Blood Circulation

If you treat your neck pain with this method, you will not only reduce or stop the pain but it can also improve your blood circulation. If your blood circulation is better, it has many benefits for your health. It increases your mood, motivation, excitement, attention, and memory. So, it can be considered as one of the greatest benefits.

Clinic for Neck Pain

The Safety of Low Level Laser Therapy

Is low level laser therapy safe for you? Laser therapy is usually used for surgical operation. However, it can also be used for physical therapy including for neck pain treatment. There are many people think that laser can break your cells. Fortunately, this method uses the low level laser so that it does not damage your cells. Therefore, low level laser therapy is safe to treat your neck pain.

What to Keep in Mind Related to Low Level Laser Therapy

1. It Goes Well with Exercises

Treat your neck pain using low level laser therapy will be best combined with exercises. This treatment method may be able to treat your neck pain fast but supporting it with some exercises will be much better. Of course, you have to find the exercises that are appropriate and safe for neck pain. Besides working well, combination between low level laser therapy and exercises will improve your health including increasing the strength of your bones that can prevent neck pain later.

2. It Should Not Be Combined with Antibiotics

Antibiotics can be used for some pain or injury treatments. However, you cannot combine it with low level laser therapy. This will not be effective even it can diminish the benefits of this laser method. But you are allowed to use antibiotics the next day after taking low level laser therapy. It will not diminish low level laser therapy benefits. Anyway, you have to be careful in using antibiotics. It will be better for you to consult first to your doctor.

How to Apply Low Level Laser Therapy

1. Apply It by the Doctor

Commonly, low level laser therapy is done by the doctor especially for those whose neck pain is in a serious condition. So, it will be safer. The doctor will also advise you about what to do and what should not do during the therapy so that the recovery of your neck pain will be optimal and results faster. Anyway, this is the better way to apply this treatment method for your neck pain.

2. Apply It by Your Own

You can also apply low level laser therapy at home by your own. You are allowed to do it if your neck pain is not in a serious condition. You should also know how to apply it well. It will be better for you to consult to the professional first before applying it. Applying this treatment method by your own also requires you to buy the devices completely. However, the benefit is that you can apply this treatment method anytime you need when you get neck pain again.

The Procedures of Low Level Laser Therapy

Applying low level laser therapy to treat your neck pain should be done under the procedures whether you apply it at the hospital by the doctor or applying it at home by your own. The first is related to the duration in applying it. You cannot apply this laser treatment method too long because it will be dangerous. However, it depends on your neck pain condition. Usually the average is about 20 or 30 seconds per spot.

Low level laser therapy may need a few days or weeks to get the best result. It is like exercises where you need process to get your goal. So, you just need to apply this treatment method regularly and rightly until your neck pain really gets well. After your neck pain gets well, you should stop using it. However, low level laser therapy can also be used for other pains such as headache or others.

The Contradictions of Low Level Laser Therapy

Even though low level laser therapy is safe to apply and effective to treat neck pain, you have to know that it has some contradictions. This treatment method is not allowed for the following people:

  1. Pregnant women in the first trimester should not take this treatment method.
  2. Patients who take cancer treatment are also not allowed.
  3. You cannot take this treatment if you have irradiation on eyes.
  4. It is not good for premier and secondary cancer lesions.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Best Travel Neck Pillows for Long Flight

When you go travelling for long flight, you may feel bored. Even more, you also feel tired because you have to sit for long hours. Sometimes, your back and neck feel painful. Of course, you have to prevent it. To prevent it, you can use a neck pillow. It functions to hold and support your neck during you sit on the flight. Today, there are many options available in the market. So, you have to choose it carefully to get the best one for you.

Neck Pillow for Long Travel Buying Guides

1. Choose the Soft Materials

Neck pillow comes with different materials. So, you have to choose it wisely. You have to make sure that the materials used are soft so that it will be comfortable for you. Then, you can use it comfortably even though you flight for long hours.

2. Decide the Appropriate Size

Different neck pillows also have different sizes. You may choose the size based on your desire. However, you have to make sure that the size is ideal for your neck. You also cannot buy a neck pillow that is too big. Smaller neck pillow will be better because you can bring it more easily.

3. Prioritize the High Elasticity

When you buy a neck pillow, you have to prioritize a neck pillow that has high elasticity. With high elasticity, your neck can rest on it comfortably. Besides that, it also keeps the neck pillow more durable.

neck pillow

The Most Recommended Travel Neck Pillow for Long Flight

After you pay attention to the tips above, now you need to find the best flight pillow for you. To ease you to find it, you can compare the following options and choose the most appropriate one for you.

1. Cushtie Pillow

This is the first option for you. This flight neck pillow is very comfortable. It does not only support the neck but also the lower back. Even more, it can be formed to be different shapes. You can mold it freely until you find the best position that is most comfortable for you. The size is big enough so that it is appropriate for you with spacious luggage.

2. Samsonite Inflatable Travel Pillow

You can also consider this flight pillow. It belongs to the most recommended options because of the comfort. It is able to support your neck not only for the back but also for the sides. Even more, your upper shoulder can also be supported. So, it is really comfortable. In addition, this neck pillow is made from pleasant material that adds the comfort for long flight.

3. Travelrest – The ultimate Inflatable Travel Pillow

It will also be a good idea for you to buy this pillow. It is very good for you who have a long flight. Even though the price is high enough, you will be satisfied buying this because it offers great benefits. You can attach it to your seatbelt or chair so that it will not be out of place. It can also support different parts of upper body depending on your position.

4. Go Kids Luxury Travel Pillow

If you go travelling for long flight with your kids, this flight neck pillow can be a very good choice. It looks funny and chic. For the comfort, it feels squishy and soft so that it is really comfortable. It will be able to support your kids’ head and does not cause strain. The affordable price also makes it more attractive. Anyway, it becomes a good idea for family holiday.

5. Departure Micro Bead Travel Neck Pillow

This flight neck pillow is very comfortable if you have a long flight. Even more, some people also use it when they travel by car. The perfect shape makes it very comfortable for sleeping or just sitting. Considering the price, it is very cheap. Therefore, if you are looking for a flight night pillow, you can prioritize this option.

6. Inflatable Novelty Boob Pillow

If you are looking for the best flight neck pillow with affordable price, this can be a good choice. It is very cheap because it is made of hard plastic. However, it is still comfortable for long flight. By using this flight neck pillow, you can do many activities during the flight such as make jokes, or just talking with others.

7. New Innovations Total Pillow

This flight neck pillow is considered as one of the most comfortable ideas. Comes with a doughnut shape, it feels really soft. It is also very beneficial because this pillow can be used for back supporter, head rest, or seat cushion. If you use it for long flight, it will be best for back supporter or head rest. By using it, it prevents neck or back pain even though your flight is for long hours.

8. TRTL Sleepscraft

It will also be a good decision for you to use this pillow if you are in a long flight. It does not only support your neck and back but also give you warmness because it provides scarf. So, it will be good to be used for night flight or winter when the weather is cold.

9. Embrace Sleep Collar Travel Pillow

Another best option for you is Embrace Sleep Collar Travel Pillow. Comes with foam material, it feels soft. This neck pillow is very good for you who want to go in long flight. Designed with collar for your neck, it is very perfect for traveler.

Most Effective Information for Neck Pain Relief

Neck pain is very painful. You will feel painful so much if you move your neck. So, your activities cannot be done well. You have to treat it as soon as possible. Neck pain usually relates to back pain. So, the remedy you take should be appropriate for your neck pain. There are many neck pain remedies that you can try. If you want to know about it, you can follow this website.